Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Hi, all. I know I just sent a family letter, but it was kind of long, so I'll recap a few things here so you don't have to read the whole letter if you don't want to.

The three older boys just finished participating in our stake musical, "1856". It was wonderful. The musical was written by Cory Ellsworth (any relation Jon?) if any of you are ever looking for a production to do. The boys were in the chorus, which means they were in the background for a lot of the scenes. I probably didn't get too much out of it the first night since I was constantly scanning for what they were doing. In the first big number, "Come, Come Ye Saints" they were adopted into a family from our ward. They wore matching vests and followed the parents in a line throughout Salt Lake City. It was very cute. The directors called them the Barnum ducklings. Michael looked very grown up. Friends commented on how he was one of the men. Brett and Matthew got to play "Duck, Duck, Goose" with other pioneer children and looked bored during General Conference. It was sure fun to watch them sing and dance though. Brett had a hand-holder during "the Handcart Song" so he didn't march off stage. He spent most of the song watching his feet. Poor Brett had stomach problems Friday and Saturday, so spent much of the show running to the bathroom. Amazingly, he only missed one scene. Saturday night he missed a scene because he was playing cars backstage with another boy. Oh, well. Michael heads off on a pioneer trek tomorrow. It should be really neat. I'll make him post a blog about it when he gets back. Take care.

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